Friday, October 1, 2010


GAARA OF THE SAND [SABAKU NO GAARA] is one of the characters of the anime "NARUTO".


BIJUU: One-Tailed Shukaku

AGE: (part1) 12
     (part2) 15

CHAKRA TYPE: Wind and earth


Gaara is the fifth kazekage of Sunagakure (village hidden in the sand). He is the son of the fourth kazekage and the youngest brother of Kankuro and Temari. Gaara is also the ultimate weapon of Suna because before Gaara's birth, his father, the fourth kazekage ordered Chiyo(a retired council) to seal the one-tailed Shukaku within him. But with this, his mother, Karura's life was taken as a sacrifice. Karura did not want to be used as a sacrifice and so before she died she cursed Suna and gave the name Gaara to his son, meaning "a demon who loves only himself" because she believed that Gaara would avenge her. Gaara was then raised by his uncle, Yashamaru(Karura's brother).

Ever since Gaara was a child, he was always alone and rejected by others. No matter what he did to try to be nice, others seem to not appreciate it because of their fear of the shukaku within him. All they see is the monster sealed within him. The only person who seemed to care about Gaara was Yashamaru. He was the only one who understood and showed love to Gaara. On the other hand, his father saw all of his accidental attacks as a threat to their village. Because of his thought that Gaara is a failed experiment, he ordered his people to assassinate him. But because they all failed, he then ordered Yashamaru to kill Gaara. Yashamaru then accepted the fourth kazekage's order and tried to assassinate Gaara. Yashamaru attacked Gaara from behind, but the sand acted to his attack and shielded Gaara. With this Gaara got angry and blew a powerful attack. But when Gaara saw that the assassin that was trying to kill him was Yashamaru, that he had thought of as the only one who loved him, he cried and screamed asking why did Yashamaru do it. Yashamaru then explained that he was ordered by Gaara's father. Gaara then asked that if it was an order from his father, Yashamaru had no choice but to obey even if he didn't want to. Yashamaru then answered Gaara that he did have a choice if he didn't want to but he did it to kill Gaara to revenge his sister. He told Gaara that he tried to love him but he just can't forget that he was the reason why his sister died and said that Gaara is a monster that nobody will ever accept. After explaining his true feelings for Gaara he lit the explosive tags covered around his body and asked Gaara to "die". Again the sand shielded Gaara and so he was able to survive the blast. Upon knowing the truth, Gaara bursted into tears and became cold-hearted. At that moment he swore that he will kill everyone who go against his existence and to fight only for himself and to love only himself. He then wounded his forehead with the mark "KANJI" meaning (LOVE) even when the sand interferes. After this day, Gaara became a very cruel person who would do anything to get the recognition from his village, even if it means to murder someone.

Gaara was a murderous person until he met Naruto. He was shocked that Naruto knew what he has been through and yet never gave up to be recognized by others. And so because of this, Naruto was able to find true friends who recognized his existence and will do anything to protect them. Gaara then thought that he gave up too easily. He then developed a close relationship with Naruto. He tried to do his best to become Suna's kazekage and be able to be recognized by others. With this, he tried to protect his close comrades and following Naruto's path. Although he is still the same murderous person against his opponents. He has been able to develop and understand a little about the word "LOVE" and chose to fight using his own power and not the power of the monster sealed within him.


 The Fourth Kazekage was the one who ordered to have the Shukaku tailed beast sealed inside Gaara.  He had hoped to use Gaara as the ultimate weapon for Sunagakure.  But as Gaara grew unstable, he decided it was a failed experiment and even ordered for his son's assassination, none of which succeeded.

Karura was the mother of Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. While she was pregnant with Gaara, her husband the Fourth Kazekage had the spirit of the tailed beast Shukaku sealed inside their unborn son.  As a result, Karura suffered much pain and died giving birth to Gaara. She cursed Sunagakure for what she had to endure and prayed that her son would grow to be a monster who would avenge her death. 

Temari is the oldest of the Fourth Kazekage's children. She is the sister of Gaara and Kankuro. Although she often looks tough, she cares deeply about gaara and kankuro and will do all she can to protect them. However, toward her enemies, she is merciless. Her main weapon is her iron fan which is capable of generating powerful gusts of wind when combined with her chakra and ninjutsu.

Kankuro is a son of the Sand’s Fourth Kazekage.  He is the older brother of Gaara and the younger brother of Temari. He often doesn't get along with Gaara because of his fear with Shukaku sealed within his younger brother. For Gaara intends to assassinate anyone who mistakenly insult his existence even though it is someone close to him, including his older brother Kankuro and older sister Temari.

He is the brother of Karura, Gaara's mother, and uncle of Gaara. He is the only one who showed care to Gaara but in reality hated Gaara and blamed him for the death of his sister. He is often good at hiding his true feelings. Once tried to assassinate Gaara but never succeeded. He betrayed Gaara and was the cause of Gaara's cruel and murderous personality.

Shield of Sand:
This is Gaara's full proof protection. The sand acts to any kind of attack and protects Gaara at will. And even if it fails to, it will not stop and continue to guard Gaara. But because it is not automatic, Gaara uses up a lot of his chakra.

Armor of the sand:
this is a technique wherein Gaara's whole body is covered with sand. It is also a kind of protection when the Shield of sand fails to protect him against his opponent.

Desert Suspension:
This is one of Gaara's special technique. Gaara controls the sand and uses it to float in midair. This jutsu was only used once in episode 126 of NARUTO [Showdown: Gaara vs. Kimimaro]

Sand clone technique:
This technique enables Gaara to create a sand clone of himself to also help block attacks. Although it looks like him, since it is only made of sand it cannot do anything to attack his opponents.

Sand wave:
This jutsu is one of Gaara's strong technique. He uses a huge pile of sand and covers the opponent. this technique uses up a lot of space and is very powerful. Proof of this is that it can cover up a whole place and turn it into a desert.

Sand coffin:
This is a technique that is often used by Gaara. He controls the sand and uses it to cover up the whole body of his opponent, preventing them to move.

sleep technique:
This was only used in the episode where Gaara fought Naruto. He only uses this technique to awaken the One Tailed Shukaku.

Prison sand burial:

Gaara uses this technique to make the sand soft and lets his opponent sink to the ground 200 meters below. This was also used in episode 126.

Sand shuriken:
Gaara, in the incomplete form of Shukaku used the sand to turn it into blades of shuriken and throws countless at his opponent.

Rain of sand:
This technique was used by Gaara as just a distraction. To keep the enemy focused above and keep they're guard down for attacks on the bottom.

Sphere of sand:
Gaara uses this jutsu to cover himself with hard and thick sand. If anyone goes near this sphere it will react and send out sharp spikes to hurt the opponent. 

Ultimate sphere of sand:
This is similar to Gaara's sphere of sand. Only that this technique allows him to float in midair while guarding himself from any attacks.

Sand waterfall funeral:
Gaara normally uses this technique after using the sand coffin. This jutsu allows him to wrap the sand and crush whatever is in it. Gaara is able to control this technique whether how light or how badly the damage will cause.

Sand binding prison:
This is a technique that is almost impossible to escape from. Gaara uses his sand to capture and corner his opponent in every possible direction. The hardness and speed of this technique depends on how much chakra he puts in the sand.

Sky sand protective wall:
A large amount of sand is used in this technique. Gaara uses this to protect enormous spaces from harm. An example of this is his village.

Sand imperial funeral:

After using the sand wave, Gaara uses this technique to crush his opponent who is buried under the sand because he creates a massive amount of shockwaves.

Wind release(Ultimate sand cloud great breakthrough):
Gaara uses this technique in the half form of Shukaku. He uses this to defend himself from multiple opponents by inhaling a large amount of air and blows them out with sand.

Absolute defense(Shield of Shukaku):
This shield of sand is made out of the strongest minerals combined with sand. This is Gaara's ultimate shield.

Eye of sand:

This is a technique that enables gaara to see from somewhere that his eyes can't reach. He once used this to cheat in the chuunin exam by covering his other eye and transferring it to another place. Although he usually uses this while he is inside the sphere of sand to see what his opponent is doing.

Arm of Shukaku:
Gaara is able to create an arm of Shukaku made out of sand. He uses this technique to capture his opponent. Especially when they're in mid air.

Absolute attack(Spear of shukaku):
Gaara creates a spear made of hard sand. He only used this when he fought Seimei. This is one of his special attacks that resembles the Arm of Shukaku.

'What does pain feel like?"

'What is love?"

'I exist to kill every human being besides myself"

'There is not enough blood"

'I shall kill you. I will not cease to exist."

'I finally understand... I'm alone. I won't believe in anyone, or love anyone but myself"

'You have the same eyes as I do... the eyes, filled with hatred and death, that long for strength... just like mine... your eyes tell me how badly you wish to kill the one who put you through the hell called loneliness."

'Perhaps the companionship of an evil person is preferable to loneliness.

'You're the same then. When you feel the honor of your idol underestimated... you become enraged, as if it were your own honor being questioned. The more precious your idol is to you... the harder you fight for him."

'Peace under an illusion is not true peace. It's only meaningful if the real world manages to accomplish it."

'I am a relic they want to get rid of, so why do I exist and live? In order to exist you need a purpose, to exist for no reason is the same as being dead... I would love only myself and fight for only myself. If all other people exist to magnify that love, then there is no more a splendid universe than this one...

'For the sake of the ninja world and as the Kazekage, I will guard you with my life."

'Up until now, my bonds with others have only been ones of hatred and murder. But, seeing him fight so hard made me wonder what a bond really is. I think I understand a little now. Suffering, sadness... and joy. To be able to share it with another person. Naruto Uzumaki... when I fought him, I feel that is what he taught me."


Gaara as a child:

Gaara as One-tailed Shukaku:

Gaara vs. rock lee:

Gaara vs. Uchiha Sasuke:

Gaara vs. Naruto:

Gaara vs. Kimimaro:

 Gaara vs. Deidara:

Gaara's death:

The Kazekage returns:


Episode 20 - A new chapter begins: The chunin exam!
Episode 21 - Identify yourself: Powerful new rivals!
Episode 23 - Genin takedown: All nine rookies takeoff!
Episode 24 - Start Your Engines: The Chūnin Exam Begins!
Episode 25 - The Tenth Question: All or Nothing!
Episode 27 - The Chūnin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death
Episode 34 - Akamaru Trembles: Gaara's Cruel Strength!
Episode 37 - Surviving the Cut: The Rookie Nine Together Again!
Episode 41 - Kunoichi Rumble: The Rivals Get Serious!
Episode 48 - Gaara vs. Rock Lee: The Power of Youth Explodes!
Episode 49 - Lee's Hidden Strength: Forbidden Secret Jutsu!
Episode 50 - The Fifth Gate: A Splendid Ninja Is Born
Episode 58 - Hospital Besieged: The Evil Hand Revealed!
Episode 65 - Dancing Leaf, Squirming Sand
Episode 66 - Bushy Brow's Jutsu: Sasuke Style!
Episode 67 - Late for the Show, but Ready to Go! The Ultimate Secret Technique Is Born!
Episode 72 - A Mistake from the Past: A Face Revealed!
Episode 73 - Forbidden Secret Technique: Reaper Death Seal!
Episode 74 - Astonishing Truth! Gaara's Identity Emerges!
Episode 75 - Sasuke's Decision: Pushed to the Edge!
Episode 76 - Assassin of the Moonlight Night
Episode 77 - Light vs. Dark: The Two Faces of Gaara
Episode 78 - Naruto's Ninja Handbook
Episode 79 - Beyond the Limit of Darkness and Light
Episode 80 - The Third Hokage, Forever...
Episode 125 - The Sand Shinobi: Allies of the Leaf
Episode 126 - Showdown: Gaara vs. Kimimaro
Episode 127 - Vengeful Strike! The Bracken Dance!
Episode 216 - The Targeted Shukaku
Episode 217 - Sand Alliance with the Leaf Shinobi
Episode 218 - Sealed Sand: The Counterattack!
Episode 219 - The Ultimate Weapon Reborn
Episode 220 - Departure


Episode 2 - The Akatsuki Makes Its Move
Episode 3 - The Results of Training
Episode 4 - The Jinchuriki of the Sand
Episode 5 - The Kazekage Stands Tall
Episode 6 - Mission Cleared
Episode 30 - The Legacy
Episode 31 - Return of the Kazekage
(partly, Gaara appears in almost all episodes of naruto shippuden season 1, but sometimes not that important so i didn't record them)